Manchester eScholar Services

Supported by John Rylands University Library

How do I ... allow my personal assistant to manage my Manchester eScholar records?

Below is a step-by-step guide to requesting delegated management rights for an individual's scholarly works contained within Manchester eScholar.

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Request delegate status from an individual - Option 1

Step 1: From the My eScholar home page click on the 'Preferences' tab.

Step 2: Click 'Configure delegated management preferences' to expand this section. You will see a search box into which you should enter the full name of the individual that you wish to request delegated management rights for.

Step 3: Once you have located the correct individual, identifying them by their email address, you should click 'Request delegate status'.

Step 4: Click 'Confirm' to send an email to your chosen delegator. If successful you will see a confirmation dialog, click 'OK'. Manchester eScholar will send an email to your chosen delegator who may then accept your request. On doing so you will receive an email notification and be granted delegated management rights.

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Request delegate status for many individuals - Option 2

To request delegated management rights for many people you may email the Manchester eScholar team directly.

You will need to provide a full list of all delegators and delegates including the University party numbers for all individuals.

When establishing delegated management relationships in this way, delegators will not receive email notifications of your request. It is therefore important that you seek the appropriate approval locally before any request is made to the Manchester eScholar support team.

Email requests should be sent to:

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