In April 2016 Manchester eScholar was replaced by the University of Manchester’s new Research Information Management System, Pure. In the autumn the University’s research outputs will be available to search and browse via a new Research Portal. Until then the University’s full publication record can be accessed via a temporary portal and the old eScholar content is available to search and browse via this archive.

Britain’s earliest sauropod dinosaur?

Manning, P. L., Whyte, M. A., Romano, M. and Barrett, P. M

In: 9th Symposium on Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems and Biotas. Short Papers. Cambridge Publications: Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems; University of Manchester. Cambridge University Press; 2006.

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Bibliographic metadata

Type of resource:
Content type:
Conference contribution title:
Publication date:
Conference title:
Mesozoic Terrestrial Ecosystems
Conference venue:
University of Manchester

Institutional metadata

University researcher(s):

Record metadata

Manchester eScholar ID:
6th August, 2009, 14:33:20
Last modified by:
Manning, Phillip
Last modified:
18th July, 2011, 22:38:29

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