In April 2016 Manchester eScholar was replaced by the University of Manchester’s new Research Information Management System, Pure. In the autumn the University’s research outputs will be available to search and browse via a new Research Portal. Until then the University’s full publication record can be accessed via a temporary portal and the old eScholar content is available to search and browse via this archive.

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    Magnetic resonance image-directed stereotactic neurosurgery: use of image fusion with computerized tomography to enhance spatial accuracy.

    Alexander, E; Kooy, H M; van Herk, M; Schwartz, M; Barnes, P D; Tarbell, N; Mulkern, R V; Holupka, E J; Loeffler, J S

    Journal of neurosurgery. 1995;83(2):271-6.

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    Distortions of the magnetic field, such as those caused by susceptibility artifacts and peripheral magnetic field warping, can limit geometric precision in the use of magnetic resonance (MR) imaging in stereotactic procedures. The authors have routinely found systematic error in MR stereotactic coordinates with a median of 4 mm compared to computerized tomography (CT) coordinates. This error may place critical neural structures in jeopardy in sme procedures. A description is given of an image fusion technique that uses a chamfer matching algorithm; the advantages of MR imaging in anatomical definition are combined with the geometric precision of CT, while eliminating most of the anatomical spatial distortion of stereotactic MR imaging. A stereotactic radiosurgical case is presented in which the use of MR localization alone would have led to both irradiation of vital neural structures outside the desired target volume and underdose of the intended target volume. The image fusion approach allows for the use of MR imaging, combined with stereotactic CT, as a reliable localizing technique for stereotactic neurosurgery and radiosurgery.

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    Manchester eScholar ID:
    Created by:
    Cusselle-Burrows, Sally
    21st July, 2015, 10:39:31
    Last modified by:
    Cusselle-Burrows, Sally
    Last modified:
    21st July, 2015, 10:39:31

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