In April 2016 Manchester eScholar was replaced by the University of Manchester’s new Research Information Management System, Pure. In the autumn the University’s research outputs will be available to search and browse via a new Research Portal. Until then the University’s full publication record can be accessed via a temporary portal and the old eScholar content is available to search and browse via this archive.

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    Erythropoiesis in Hairy Cell Leukemia: a True Erythroid Failure

    Orlandi, Ester; Alessandrino, Paolo; Baraldi, Anna; Barosi, Giovanni; Berzuini, Carlo; Cazzola, Mario; Spriano, Paolo

    Scandinavian Journal of Haematology. 1982;28(2):97-102.

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    A quantitative evaluation of erythropoiesis was carried out in 12 patients with hairy cell leukaemia (HCL). The results were compared with those obtained in eight patients with aplastic anaemia (AA) in order to define the characteristics of erythroid failure in HCL. Discriminant analysis was applied to both haematological and erythrokinetic parameters of the two disease groups. Plasma iron concentration and MCV were significantly higher in AA, and allowed a perfect separation of the patients. As regards erythrokinetics, values of ineffective erythropoiesis and peripheral haemolysis were able to separate completely the two disease groups, being significantly lower in HCL than in AA. A true erythroid failure was the peculiar erythrokinetic pattern of HCL. This conclusion allows one to speculate on the nature of the stem cell damage in this disease.

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    Manchester eScholar ID:
    Created by:
    Berzuini, Carlo
    29th March, 2013, 11:41:51
    Last modified by:
    Berzuini, Carlo
    Last modified:
    29th March, 2013, 16:56:16

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