Manchester eScholar Services

Supported by John Rylands University Library

My eScholar version 2 release notes

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New features in My eScholar version 2

Improved performance

Better usability

Increased persistence

More functions

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Known issues in My eScholar version 2

Below is a list of known minor issues affecting My eScholar version 2. The Manchester eScholar support team will be working to resolve these issues as quickly as possible.

  1. When viewing records in the 'View/Edit scholarly work' section users are currently unable to filter records using 'Open' and 'Closed' filter terms ('Active' and 'Inactive' can be used as replacement filter terms).
  2. When sorting records displayed in the 'Grid' view', if a user clicks an unsortable column header then this results in 'No data available in table' message being displayed.
  3. When removing records displayed in the 'View/Edit scholarly work' section if user clicks 'OK' multiple time in 'Confirmation' dialogue box then 'Success' dialogue box will appear multiple times.
  4. When user searches for a member of staff in 'Request a delegation' view on 'Delegations' section and then clears the search box and clicks 'Go' then all staff are returned in search results.
  5. When a user requests delegated management rights, an automated 'Request delegation' email is sent to the delegator containing 'Accept' and 'Deny' links which should be clicked by the delegator. These links are not currently appearing as hyperlinks. (We advise that delegators copy and paste the appropriate URL into their internet browser address bar).
  6. If a user selects to display more than 10 records on the 'Choose delegator' dialogue box then they cannot view any delegator records below foot of the screen.
  7. Accented characters display accurately in the My eScholar version 2 interface but should not be included in any filter terms. If they are included then no results will be returned.

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